Sweet, Yummy Duck Breast

Breast de la Donald

A united blend of spice, sweet and moist with fun texture that leaves boredom to no tongue.

You Need:
Duck Breast
Sweety, goopy stuff (Emily used a jammy marmelaide)
A little salt and pepper

skin side down

Rub some of that sweet goodness on the duck breasts. Place them skin side to the grill and cover. When they shrink up and brown and are firm to touch, pull them off.

goopy sweet and raw

oooOooooooo nice duck

Dessert Tamales

dessert tamales with date surprise

Delicate, sweet goodness all snug in its own little wrapper.

You Need:
Masa … the ol’ “golden cornflour”
Azuki Beans (sweetened red beans)
Banana Leaves

masa masa mixture

The masa part:
Quite simple really. Pop some masa in a bowl, like a cup or so. It’s like making pancakes with Bisquick, you add melted butter until the consistency is compactable were you to make a tamale. Add the azuki beans.

sweet beans! long, long leaves

The wrapper part:
The banana leaves are long, long LONG. Carefully tear them into squares, they’re just wrappers so no need to be particular.

banana leaf and emily

The tamale part:
Grab a hand full of masa mix, stick a date surprise in the center. Grab some more masa mix to form a cute, little, rectanglish thingo. Pop that down in the center of the banana leaf square and wrap ‘er up. Usually pull one side over, tuck in the bums and roll to the other side. A tamale is born. So cute and impressive.

middle wrap. huh-huh huh huh it's like a jungle tuck in the bums



Pop that on the grill for a bit and flip once. You want it to be steamy warm. Good job. Grab some champagne, girlfriend.

grillin' uh